Well we celebrated Abbie's Birthday on Saturday. She is two years old now. Usually you hear parents say I can't believe my baby is two now. I actually was about to say that, but than realized that is not true. I have almost called Abbie two a couple of times over the past few months. She just tries to be such a big girl that sometimes I forget she isn't. At the same time she differently has hit what most people term the "terrible twos." Which in some cases is true, but it is also the wonderful twos as well, because they learn so much and start to do all these amazing new things. Needless to say I love my little two year old.
We didn't do to much on Abbie's birthday, because I was sick. I got a cold that wasn't to bad except for the fact that it zapped me of my energy. I just wanted to sleep. So, for her birthday, we opened a few gifts in the morning.
Then for dinner we took Abbie to McDonalds to eat. She is always asking to go to Mcdonalds. We let both kids choice a toy. They usually have to share or take turns. I thought she would love to have the little barbie dolls they had for the girls, but no she had to have a car. No matter what I try she just love boy toys more. After we ate, the kids went outside and played on the playground, sliding their cars down the slide.
This is a video of Abbie reading her sticker book she got for her birthday. If you look closely you will also see Riley pretend playing in the back ground. He actually does this a lot.
We than went home and had cake and ice cream and opened the rest of her gifts. Out of all of her gifts, Abbie's favorite was the care bears I bought to put on her cake.
Happy B-day, Abbie!
marilyn, i've never met abbie, but I love her already....she has the cutest little voice and her reading her sticker book is darling!! I'm sure your son is just as darling...so maybe i missed it on your blog somewhere, but where the heck are you living? hope all is well... Brook (Blaisdell)
Sorry to hear you were sick on Abbie's birthday. Sounds like everything went well though. Riley and Abbie are getting so big! Much love! We wish we live closer.
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