
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year

Hope everyone is excited about the new year. I look forward to what it will bring.
Right now I am trying to adjust to my new schedule. Hopefully, by next week I will have my schedule down.

I like to set a couple of new year resolutions. Here they are.
*Get up and exercise in the morning before the kids get up.
*Try and eat healthier foods. I ate way to much candy and sugary foods last year.
*Try and be more patient and understanding with my kids and husband.

So here is my challenge to all of you, make a new years resolution, and share them if you would like. It is always fun to see how well I have done at the end of the year. Good luck with the new year.


Riley and Abbie finally got to play in the snow last weekend. Riley really wanted snow for Christmas, but unfortunately didn't get it. We only had frost. I don't know if you can count a really thick frost as a White Christmas or not. We always make a snowman that is almost always melted by the next day. Anyways it was lots of fun, and I finally got to use my new boots I bought for the season.


We had a wonderful Christmas. It was fun watching the excitement of the kids. By the afternoon the kids had worn Terry and me out. It was a successful day. We didn't take to many pictures because we were having fun with our new video camera. I will have to figure out how to download the videos. Here are a few pictures though.
Riley made this ornament for us. He was really excited to give it to us.