
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Little 3 Year Old!!

Yes Abbie turned 3 years old last week. She had a fun birthday and was way excited. She had been talking about her Dora birthday since Riley's birthday. Can you guess what her cake had on it, and what most of her presents were?

Abbie opening some of her presents. I couldn't get her to look at the camera for long, so I don't have many pictures of her face.
Abbie modeling her Dora backpack. She is going to be Dora for Halloween.

Abbie and her cake. I finally got a picture of her face. If you look close enough you will notice she has two different colored eyes.

She looked way to cute on Sunday to not take these pictures of her. It is a good thing I took them before church because by the end of church her hair was all over the place.

Turkey Anyone!

I have been trying to eat healthier, and what could be healthier than turkey. I decided to try and cook turkey drumsticks, because I didn't want to be stuck with a whole turkey. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Thank goodness my children are not that picky of eaters.

Riley showing off his turkey drumstick:) Notice he is missing his 3 front teeth. It makes watching him eat very interesting.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dress Up

Abbie wearing mom and dad's shoes.

Abbie and her friend
Hadley putting on all
of Abbie's play jewelry.


Riley started playing soccer for the first time this fall. He has been really excited about everything. He has made a lot of progress from the first day, and I am so proud of him. He finally made is first goal the other day. Of coarse it happened on a day I forgot to bring my camera. Last night he had a game and it was rainy and cold, but the kids were having a blast. If you have a hard time seeing him in any of the pictures, his number is 24. I must thank my sister for all of the soccer clothes she gave us. They really came in handy.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Feeding Ducks

No one in my house likes to eat the end pieces of the loaf of breads. So, I collect them and when we have enough we go and feed the ducks. My kids love to go to this park that has a pond and swings and slides to feed the ducks.

Riley's Fist Day of School

Yes, Riley has started Kindergarten! It was a ruff start, but everything has calmed down. They have this colored system for behavior that he has a hard time with. Basically what it is, is if you are good you get a green card, if you have had to many warnings you have to change your card to a yellow, and if you are bad you get a red card. Well, Riley came home the first day of school with a red card. I was a little shocked that they even gave out red cards on the first day. He was devastated. He came out of the class room in tears. I think he thought I was going to be mad or something. Well this just set the tone for how the next few weeks were going to be. It got to the point he didn't want to go to school, and was telling me he was going to lose his voice and not talk at school. Finally, I emailed his teacher and we got together and talked about how we could help Riley, and I told him I didn't care what color he got as long as he was having a good time at school. He loves school now.

After Riley kept bugging me about riding the bus, I finally let him start riding in the mornings. If he had his way he would ride in the morning and after school. I like to pick him up though, because I know if I let him ride the bus, I wouldn't get as much information from him about how school was.

Crazy Hair

I did Abbie's hair in braids the other day, and this is what it looked like when we took them out.