
Monday, January 31, 2011

Soon to be 8

We went to a meeting last night for all the kids in our ward who will be turning 8 this year. There are about 15 of them. Riley is so excited to get baptized. At the meeting they had the Cub master talk to the boys about what they will get to do in cub scoots. Riley was so excited I could hardly keep him in his seat. After the meeting was over he found the cub master and asked her question after question. My little boy is growing up. I can't believe how fast his baptism is approaching.

I know that most of you are to far away to make it to his baptism, but know that we would love to have all of you here if possible. Terry and I do understand if you can't make it.

We have set the date for April 9th at 3:00pm.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Right before Thanksgiving Riley started taking karate lessons. He is loving it, and has a great Sensei. Who is actually in our Ward. When he got out on the mat the first day he had this really serous face on, and was just ready to go. I have been amazed at how fast he has picked up on everything. He does really well when he focuses and doesn't get to silly. We are working on his confidence as well. He is so worried he will mess up that he doesn't want to do the different moves on his own, but I know he can. It will be fun to watch him progress.

They had their first test at the beginning of January. Riley was able to get his first piece of tape on his belt. After he get so many and can focus and listen (which Riley needs to work on) he will be able to move up to yellow.

Riley at his first Karate test.

Dad helping Riley out at his test.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow, Snow and more Snow

After the Bott Family Christmas party we spent a few days at my parent's house. We planned on coming home Wednesday, but due to a big snow storm we stayed an extra day. We had fun playing in the snow. The kids even got to help Grandpa Bott plow snow with his tractor.

Bott Family Christmas Party

The Monday following Christmas was my family Christmas Party. It is always fun to spend time with my family, but it never seems like enough time. I am so blessed to have such wonderful brothers and sisters.
My niece Clarissa (correct me if I am wrong) made these cute scarfs for all of her girl cousins. They loved them. Abbie wore hers for most of the night.
My nephew Kyle getting his first cowboys hat from Aunt Beverly. He had the biggest smile on his face.The two love birds.

We had my brother Stephen and his family for Christmas. We got the girls some fleece blankets. They had fun snuggling with them. They looked like they were ready to go to sleep right their.

Grandma opening her present from us. It is a book made from our blog.

Abbie got a hold of the camera and took some pictures of Terry and me.
My brother Roland and his family gave us this fun snowman bowl, and the game Sorry. We had fun playing the game with Grandma Bott at her house.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I hope everyone had a wonderful time over the holidays. We had a lot of fun. I was worried about what the driving conditions would be like. The drive to Terry's parents house started out foggy, but by the time we got up Cabbage Hill (this is the beginning trek through the Blues) it was clear and beautiful. The sun was shining and the fog was gone. When I looked back behind us, it was like looking at a sea of fog. It was quite a spectacular scene. I wish I had taken a picture.

As usually my kids did a good job traveling. Abbie did her job a little to well and didn't say she needed to use the restroom. She ended up wetting her pants. Mom wasn't to happy, but we got things cleaned up as best we could until we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

We got to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with Terry's parents. On Christmas Eve, we went out and played in the snow. It was too crunchy to make a snowman so we decided to make forts. Terry and Riley made one, Abbie and I made one, and Brian and Tyson made one. Then we had a snowball fight. By the time we got to the snowball fight we were all worn out from building the forts. Come Christmas Day we were feeling the effort of all our work. We were quite sore. I do not have any pictures of this. I was having to much fun in the snow to get my camera.

After our outdoor playing we came in and helped the kids make cookies to eat and to leave for Santa. Wilma had a lot of fun Christmas cookie cutters. Abbie loves sugar cookies. She stood in front of the stove watching the cookies cook.

Later on we had a family dinner and Christmas program. Terry's family has a tradition of reading the Christmas story from the Bible and then the youngest child gets to put the baby Jesus in the manger. After this everyone gets to open one present.
Abbie and her present on Christmas Eve. She got Bedtime Bear.

Riley and His present on Christmas Eve. He got a Mega Blocks dragon egg. He was so excited to get his first Mega Blocks set, so he could become a Mega Block master.
When Riley found out that the dragon egg present was from Abbie, he gave her a big hug.
Wilma made a lot of fun stuff and gave them to everyone. This is a crown and scarf she made that Abbie got.

The kids were so excited to open presents Christmas morning. They each got a pair of slippers in their stockings.
Abbie and her Santa gift. She has been asking for a snow globe for most of the year.

Riley and his Santa gift. He got a big Mega Block dragon set that goes with the egg that Abbie gave him the night before.

Terry gave me this bobbin threader. He got tired of me complaining that mine didn't work on the sewing machine that I use, and that I have to get out my Grandma's old sewing machine to thread my bobbins.
This is the first gift Terry opened. It is a keyboard that he can use with the Wii. We got one for the family for Christmas. I thought that is was going to be the gift that the kids had gotten him. Unfortunately we hadn't opened the Wii yet, and Riley can read now. We had to do some sweet talking to convince him that the keyboard was for Dad's I pod touch and not a Wii. We didn't want to spoil the fact that they were getting a Wii.
Grandma Carlsen opening the present from us. It is a book made from my blog.
Here we are with the Wii.
Terry finally opening the present from the kids.