I am busy watching three children, besides mine own, during the day. Terry is busy with work and his Masters, so we don't have much time to spare. That is why I haven't made too many posts lately. I will try and make at least one post a month
I have been watching Abbie get more and more crowded in her toddler bed. She has at least four blankets she has to take to bed with her. Not to mention the 10 or so stuffed animals she has. So Terry and I decided on Riley's birthday we would move Riley to the top bunk and move Abbie out of her toddler bed into the bottom bunk. Well the other day while I was cleaning up the kids room, I decided I would start cleaning off the top bunk to make sure I had a place to store everything. The next thing I knew we were making a trip to Home Depot to purchase some wood to make a railing so Riley didn't roll off. It made for a very hectic day. The kids had fun though and Abbie slept a lot better last night with more room. Riley thinks it is fun to sleep on top and says that the monsters and ghosts can't find him now.